Thursday, May 15, 2008

Fuck the Mariners. Fuck Seattle. Fuck bullshit weather.

It's going to be really nice in Seattle tomorrow and Saturday. I was looking forward to going to a Saturday afternoon game--I'd come wearing shorts and sandals with an empty stomach ready to take in lots of beers and hot dogs. But the Mariners have a Saturday game at 7pm instead of an early afternoon game you'd expect on a weekend. And even though there will be a 1pm game on Sunday, it'll start to cool down and might not be warm enough to wear shorts.

It was a very tough winter in Seattle. Even though relatively warmer than the interior of the country, it's been unseasonably cold, cloudy and rainy for over six months--the Summit at Snoqualmie even has skiing this weekend! So a big F-U to Mariners for fucking up my baseball plans ;-) And F-U to Seattle! I'm moving to Florida this winter. Fuck this bullshit weather.


Anonymous said...

Sorry you'll be leaving. Hope you enjoy Florida.

Anonymous said...

I've lived in this screwed up city too long. I agree: the Mariners suck, wages suck -- the corporations here are cheap asses, and most of the weather here SUCKS worse than any place I have lived. Have fun in Florida. I really wish I was going there.

Anonymous said...

I feel you man. I lived in Seattle for 9 years and couldn't wait to get the out at the end. Been in Chicago now for a year and don't miss a goddamn thing about my old home. My advice - get out of dodge. You'll just get more and more pissed off living around all the typical Seattle f.cktards that can't believe anyone would consider leaving.