Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Congoo Netpass and Free Wall Street Journal Access / Content

Supposedly that's possible if you get a toolbar called Congoo Netpass and then subscribe for a free account (you only have to give a valid e-mail address, although I never got a message to confirm my e-mail address).

This site says it works but you only get a free clicks a month. I tried it today for this article about the Euro Zone, but it still showed up as a "free preview" and the full article didn't show up. What I did get was a pop-up from Congoo that gave the choice of activating now or later, but when I press "Activate Now", it just goes to the main Congoo Web page.

Getting rid of the toolbar... Oh, and I get an "XML Parsing Error" right on the toolbar with Firefox 3. That was even before I had to edit the config file to allow non-secure add-0n updates. You'll see what I mean if you try to install this shitty toolbar.

P.S. Congoo is trying social networking by letting you build a profile that contains the news you RSS. Don't see why you'd want to network based on that...

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