Can one man save the evil empire from dominating space? Privateers by Ben Bova
Book Review
Privateers by Ben Bova
Published 1993 by Tom Doherty Assoc Llc.
I came across this book in my small private library. I'm not sure where I picked it up, but it's used like most of my books. It turned out to be an enjoyable science fiction.
Dan Randolph is a billionaire American space entrepreneur--living in Venezuela because the United States gave up control of space to the Soviet Union and is in a deep depression because of lack of natural resources, particularly oil (many cars run on steam-engines!; interesting given today's high oil prices and the supposed "peak-oil" having been reached, according to some)--who is trying to break the Soviet Union's monopoly in space, while making descent money at the same time. The problem is, every other nation is scared to confront the "evil empire", lest they risk isolation and economic doom.
This is a pretty well-written book, with mystery, romance, and adventure to boot. A good three hours of entertainment.
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